Double Dragon "Finally" hits XBLA tomorrow

Several months after its original announcement date Double Dragon finally hits XBox Live Arcade tomorrow, allowing Xbox 360 owners to pound the pavement as 80's arcade heroes Billy and Jimmy Lee.

For the game's release, Empire Interactive took the original Double Dragon and gave it a digital face-lift the game now sports high-definition visuals, new music, and online multiplayer action. The option to play the game with its original graphics for arcade purists will also be available. Rounding out the package are extras like scans of original sales fliers for the arcade game, tips for newcomers, customizable button configurations, and the XBLA-standard leaderboards and achievements.

Double Dragon will be available Wednesday at 2 a.m. Pacific for 400 Microsoft Points ($5). It has been rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older.


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